"From the Editor" (pg 4 or link)
The first major part of the magazine I read was the "From the Editor" letter titled "Think Forward." It surprisingly answered a question I had: "Why can the editors of this magazine be trusted as an authority in science?" As the letter explains, they "go to conferences and meetings, pore over other publications, and routinely confer with our researcher sources and authors." While Mariette DiChristina, the editor, does not explain if the writers have scientific backgrounds, she makes it apparent that they immerse themselves in the topic and consult more than one expert. She goes on to explain how the editors decide what information to publish: they look for what readers need to know now and what might be coming up in the future. Readers of Scientific American feel they can trust the information they get from the magazine because the editor is transparent.
"Fossils of Our Family" (pg 12-14 or link)
Evolution has always been a topic that has interested me. I thought this article about a discovery of a new human species in Malapa Cave, Johannesburg, South Africa did a wonderful job showing the importance of presenting a balanced story. The article first explained what was found in the discovery (partial skeletons of an adult female and juvenile male) and why the discovering scientists think the remains belong in the ancestral line of current humans. After their side of the discovery is given, three different positions are given. In total, four sides are presented and the sources are from four different institutions: University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, Stony Brook University, the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University, and New York University. The end of the article lets the reader know other remains were found and they are currently being excavated. This informs the reader that more information will be available on this discovery in the near future. While this story follows the basic format of a story, I believe it’s necessary. If the writer had launched right into all the different sides without first explaining what was found and how it is impactful to the scientific community, readers would have been lost.
"Expert Education" (pg 17-18 or link)
This article discusses how geologists and their students are using an eye-tracking device to study the difference in how geologists approach a dig compared to students. They want to use the results to better teach the students perceptual skills. The writer, Charles Q. Choi, mentions that the device could be used in other professions, but doesn’t include journalism. Imagine how this device could change the way journalism students learn the power of observation and photography. Students would be able to see how experienced journalists pick up on environmental and body language clues that help make their story better. They’d also be able to see how good photographers chose the shots they video.
"12 Events That Will Change Everything" (pg 36-48 or link)
The headlining article of this issue covers 12 scientific events and discoveries that have the chance of happening by 2050. Each topic is ranked along a rainbow bar from very unlikely to almost certain. Here they are:
- Cloning of a human: Likely
- Extra dimensions: 50-50 Chance
- Extraterrestrial intelligence: Unlikely
- Nuclear exchange: Unlikely
- Creation of Life: Almost certain
- Room-temperature superconductors: 50-50
- Machine self-awareness: Likely
- Polar meltdown: Likely
- Pacific earthquake: Almost Certain
- Fusion energy: Very unlikely
- Asteroid collision: Unlikely
- Deadly pandemic: 50-50
Each section, written by a different person, gives an overview of the topic and then, most importantly, explains how this event or discovery will affect the world. In my opinion, the section that gives the best real world example is the nuclear exchange article. After explaining how the Hiroshima bomb affected the area, Philip Yam, the writer, moves on to the present-day example of Pakistan and India. Scientists have determined that if the two countries used all their nuclear bombs on each other, about 100 bombs, there will be devastating effects on the Earth. The consequences listed give the reader a vivid image of how the Earth would change. While it’s one of the shorter sections, I thought it was most effective.
"Alzheimer's: Forestalling the Darkness" (pg 51-57 or link)
This article first caught my eye from the cover, which says, “Alzheimer’s Advances: New Keys to Thwarting Dementia.” My family pays close attention to advances in preventing Alzheimer’s because my grandfather died with the disease last year. This article explains how scientists are about to start a research project that will look for a prescription drug to prevent the disease. A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s can’t be made until symptoms show up. Recent research has shown that the causes of Alzheimer’s are active five to 20 years before the symptoms present themselves. Also, several biomarkers and genetic genes have been singled out to measure Alzheimer’s. The researchers are choosing people with the genetic genes for Alzheimer’s and tracking their biomarkers in an effort to better map when the causes of Alzheimer’s start. With this information, the scientists will know when to start administering the test pharmaceutical drugs. These trials will take time, but hopefully scientists will have some new answers and drugs by the time my parents might suffer from Alzheimer’s. The writers of this article used graphics to better tell their story. One set of graphics shows how the number of people affected by Alzheimer’s will increase over the next 40 years and how age increases the risk of Alzheimer’s for males and females. Another set of graphics explains how brain imaging and spinal fluid tests will help track the progression of Alzheimer’s over the years until physical symptoms are present. A third sidebar gives a list of drugs that are currently being tested and how they try to prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. All of this information proves promising and gives me hope that one day this disease won’t affect my loved ones anymore.
Overall, the magazine does a good job of making sure a person with no significant scientific background, such as myself, can understand the article while still giving enough information to satisfy a scientist. Also, I was pleasantly surprised to see a half-page advertisement for the University of Missouri's graduate program for life sciences.
VO Patrol involves shooting video, writing a 40 second story, editing the video, and writing an online story. I completed my first VO Patrol on Tuesday, June 15, 2010. I went to Jefferson City and followed a “Tuesday’s @ 2” program about Mark Twain and riverboats. The greatest difficulty I had with this story was that the Missouri State Museum was dark. Even with a light, the video turned out dark. My producer and I managed to color correct it so the video was still useable. I enjoyed getting to write and edit my own story and see it broadcast.
"Nitro Joe"
I finished my second VO Patrol today. I went to the Daniel Boone Regional Library and watched kids be amazed by science experiments. “Nitro Joe” was great at involving the kids and keeping them interested. I think I had as much fun watching the kids and taking video of the program as the kids did watching Nitro Joe’s experiments. He showed the kids physical and chemical reactions. The experiments that went over best were the ones that involved dry ice. Shooting this story really challenged my ability to shoot sequences. Nitro Joe was a roamer: he moved all around and it was hard to catch him doing any repetitive action. I made it work while at the same time wishing I could participate too! (link)
Cut-ins Tuesday, June 17, 2010
I also anchored my first news cut-ins during the Today Show this morning. It was my first time to be on-air at all, let alone live! I had to learn to do broadcast makeup to do this and it was so thick, I wanted to take it off as soon as possible. I guess it’s something I’ll get used to as I wear it more often. I read the scripts multiple times beforehand, marked my breathing points, and hoped for the best. It went over well with no major mishaps. Overall, I enjoyed the experience but as with everything, practice makes perfect. I’ll be signing up for another cut-in shift soon!
I have my first reporting shift tomorrow morning. I’m looking forward to testing the skills I’ve learned so far because I have to get all the interviews and B-roll done, write and edit the package, write and edit the VO/SOT, and write an online story all in one day. For our classwork, we have had to complete this work but we’ve had several days to do it. I’m nervous but ready for the challenge tomorrow. Now, if only I had a story idea…
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